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Confirmation Sunday

By Charles Rush

April 25, 2010

Phil. 4: 8-9

[ Audio (mp3, 4.0Mb) ]

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u may wonder why I'm showing you all these pictures of space on Confirmation Sunday. Any idea why?

None of these pictures existed when I was your age. In elementary school, we all watched the first rockets shot into space. Before that, we could only imagine what it looked like.

I've been thinking a lot lately about sending you into the world. You happen to have been born into an age with the most rapid transition in the history of our species which is about the last 100,000 years. I can't tell you what to expect because the truth is, we don't really know what comes next.

When they first published this photo of earth, people marveled at it the world over. It is very hard for me to describe this, but our collective consciousness changed. We were no longer just ‘in the world', we became aware that we are on an island, a speck of dust in the macrocosm that is so big we literally cannot comprehend it imaginatively.

Since I was your age, the world's population has doubled, also frankly hard to actually imagine. It was 3.6 billion then and we've recently passed over the 7 billion mark (according to the World Bank).

Here is another thing that is amazing. I was able to get that information in about 10 seconds. When I was your age, I had to walk over to the library, get out a couple books, turn the pages and write it down on a scrap of paper and walk back to the church. The information had to be pretty important because it took a minimum of 30 minutes of my time.

Not only is 7 billion hard to imagine but it will surely bring about social changes that are relatively profound. Currently, scientists believe that we will eventually reach a stasis world population of 5 billion because that is what they think the world can sustain. In the past, these population reductions have happened because of a complex interaction of natural disaster, war, disease, and changing social attitudes about our families. Each of them, periodically, makes rather dramatic impacts for a season.

I'm old but I'm not all that old. When I was your age, we not only didn't have the internet, we didn't have personal computers. It would be ten more years before a bunch of college drop-outs, one of them Bill Gates (who dropped out of Harvard) started working on that project.

We not only didn't have cell phones, we didn't have cordless phones at home. Every phone had a line to it.

We hadn't decoded a line of the genome. In fact, we'd only discovered DNA a little more than a decade earlier. We didn't even really possess the technology to parse a strand. In the past 20 years, by the way, we've identified markers for more than 2000 diseases. If you look at the bar chart that tracks our discoveries, it shoots straight up.

When I was your age, no one had ever heard of stem cells because they had just been discovered and we had no idea of the healing potential that they possessed which is likely to become practically miraculous in their ability to cure in your lifetime.

No one thought it possible to clone anything…

Since you were born, we've invented the ipod and digital music, Artificial liver, a Fuel cell bike, self cleaning windows, a Virtual keyboard, Toyota's Hybrid Car, the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs, laser guided missles accurate within a couple feet, solar panels with commercially viable generative power, YouTube, digital underwater cameras, the Nintendo magic wand, a car that drove 3,100 miles on a gallon of gas, a robot that learned to ride a bike, the subatomic particle accelerator that will help us understand a whole new level of micro-reality and novel insight about the first moments of the universe, rubber train wheels, smog eating cement- buildingsthat will clean our air, translucent cement you can see through, and a process to take all the carbon out of a coal burning plants that calcifies it into rubble that you can use for building foundations,

I could keep reading that list for several hours, all of this was happening while you were goofing around with your friends on the soccer field…

Here is the thing. We estimate that our total knowledge base, our collective knowledge as humans has doubled every twenty years since 1900. The sum total of what we know about the world (from 100,000 to the present) doubled every twenty years in the last century.

We believe that the sum total of our knowledge base is presently doubling every decade now. So we can't really tell you what the world will look like during your lifetime. We can only safely predict that the changes you will live through will be, frankly, unimaginable from here, probably both good and bad. So I will spare you the platitudes and verities that you usually hear on these occasions.

What we can give to you is what we know to be true. We know that the values of our faith tradition are reliable guides for your life, whatever comes next. We've been exploring them, living them for more than 3000 years. You will need them in your life in order to unlock the ‘higher reasons' for which we were created. This is the way, not just to exist, but to live abundantly Jesus taught us.


compassion for those who suffer,


understanding- especially when people are different from you,

integrity of character,

being truthful with yourself and with those around you, so that you really know yourself

believing in yourself- especially when others don't,

doing the right thing- especially when people around you are all talking compromise and you know their wrong,

treating others fairly and with respect and dignity- especially people that are poor and marginal,

having a sense of justice on a social level,

paying attention to the things that make for peace with your family, your friends, our world.

Being grateful to be alive, grateful for those people around you, and thanking others who have blessed you

Being aware so that you see the mystery and the wow (awe) of our world.

Enduring frustration, setback, disease, and the arbitrary exercise of power and keeping a faith alive so that you don't completely come unglued.

Constantly growing and becoming, even from really bad mistakes and learning to ask for forgiveness when you've hurt other people and doing the things you have to do to get reconciled with others.

When you are living this way, you get the privilege of being loved because you are loving other people. The Bible says that this kind of love is stronger than death. I'm glad you don't know that yet, but you will.

We want you to become authentic men and women. We want you to become the real deal.

My prediction is that you will be leaders in the world when you grow up. We are pouring a lot of education into you. You have a lot of talents. People will look up to you for guidance. They will defer to you to set the tone, the direction. It is doubly important for you to become humane. We need women and men with moral and spiritual substance.

As you know, our world is already over filled with the boneheads you see on “The Jersey Shore” and “Survivor” and “Rehab”.

I know that some of you are thinking that you are done with the church obligation. Your parents made you go to church up til now and after confirmation, your gig is over.

The truth is, you are just starting out, on a spiritual adventure that will last the rest of your lives. You can do some growth on your own, to be sure, but the actual reason that we come to Church is to remember where we want to be headed, to surround ourselves with other people that will help us grow into people of substance, to be a support to others and to be supported as we develop our families. Wise people stay in touch with their church for their moral and spiritual health, like they stay in touch with their doctor and the gym for their physical health.

We want you to all of the potential that God has placed in you and to use it for something good. In order to do it, you will constantly grow and develop. I'm looking forward to it.

Up until now, we've been doing and doing for you which is appropriate because you were children. Today, we recognize that you are not children anymore. You are becoming young men and young women. And we need you to start giving back. This year, we did a little bit of that serving the homeless at Bridges, serving the homeless at Home First. In a little while, you will be doing a bit of giving back when you serve communion in the church. We will be expecting more and more of you as you grow through High School and College because real leaders serve other people. They make the world a better place because of what took place when you were in charge and you had the power. No one modeled that better than Jesus.

At the beginning of the year, I sent you a piece from Marianne Williamson's book “A Return to Love”. I read it to you again today in closing:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so

that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other

people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Ladies and Gentlemen, let your light shine. Amen




© 2010 Charles Rush. All rights reserved.