Pro Humanitate...
30 June , 2013
The 9:30 and 11:15 services are identical this year. Children will be in worship for the entire service. We will have nursery care for the wee ones. But this is a worship designed so that families can be together.
We will have an Easter egg hunt following the 9:30 service. 0-3 year olds will meet in the courtyard in front of the church. 4 year olds- 1st grade will meet in the memorial garden behind the church. And 2nd graders-5th graders will meet in the front yard of Caroline's house next to the church. 
Titian was probably right to depict the resurrection with reference to the Angels primarily. At best, we have only indirect access to the reality of hope that we sing about on Easter. Spiritually, we pause to acknowledge that our pivotal religious belief is something that we don't entirely understand because it is fundamentally beyond the scope of our limited comprehension.
That used to bother me when I was a child and our preachers in the South were barely educated and bereft of critical reflection. I simply had to reject the simplistic nostrums they delivered with gaping smile of Alfred E. Neuman in a cheesy issue of Mad magazine.
Many years later, I was listening to a lecture from a Physicist who had devoted his life to the study of Cosmology. We were in one of Princeton's hallowed halls and the audience was filled with some of the top scientists and mathematicians on earth. Our lecturer was describing the reality of dark matter, and went on a lengthy digression about just how much basic information we don't know about our universe. It provoked quite a lively discussion with many of  the world's leading thinkers sharing different fundamental things that they wished they understood but couldn't yet figure out. 
I wished for just a moment that more people were aware of intellectual humility that actually exists among the most learned humans, who realize that what we don't know so outweighs what we do know, that the only response is to be tentative and open minded. I wished for just a moment that more people could hear just how reverential astro-physicists speak of the majesty of our universe, the wonder and awe that it demands. 
It dawned on me leaving that lecture that even if we could rid our religious tradition of all its irrational superstitions from an earlier era, we would still have to have a trans-rational apogee, a prism that refracts the transcendence that structures existence. Even a critical faith in a world come of age must admit that we don't fully know and that we don't really even know what we don't know. 
For this reason, we sing at Easter rather than preach. Doxology is the music of faith, where our rational understanding meets its limit. And we are grateful because the fundamental spiritual disposition is hope that is born of the love we have been given to know. We are simply awe filled with the wonder of our lives. God is good.
This year, the Orthodox calendar and the Western calendar align, so our sanctuary will be filled from Maundy Thursday all the way through Easter. St. Augustine and St. Monica's Coptic Church which meets here will keep a vigil, most of the day and night. It means that you can slip into the church most anytime and say a word of prayer as there will be people praying in some form or other most hours of the day and night. You will smell the incense and see the ancient rituals that are nearly 2000 years old in many cases. 
May you too be filled with hope. May you well up with the delight of new life. May you see something long lost redeemed in this season.

The Rev.
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