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What Christ Church Means to Me

By Neale Trangucci
December, 2006

Neale and Gracie hand-in-hand

he human mind is an amazing thing… it starts working the minute you're born and doesn't stop until you get up at a podium to speak…

I'm honored to be here this morning talking about what Christ Church means to me.

My name is Neale, I am a recovering Catholic.

Everyone: "Hello, Neale."

Right, except I'm stuck on step 8 of the 12 steps. I'm having a really hard time with that forgiving our "debt and debtors" stuff. It just seems better to "forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…" doesn't it? Any other Catholics having problems with that?

Seriously, though, when Harriett and I first moved to this area, we looked around for a Church literally for years before we found this place. And it was truly a "God-send" for us. To most of you, the many and varied reasons to love this place are obvious. But I think it's healthy for us to remind ourselves from time to time.

First, although it is non-Catholic, Christ Church is about the most catholic church I can imagine. Webster's definition of "catholic" (lower case "c") is:

broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests -- as in <a catholic taste in music>.

I really like that. I think it truly captures this congregation: broad in sympathies, tastes and interests…

Secondly, we, as a congregation, are beautifully open, welcoming and accepting. And I don't just mean in an official "Open and Affirming" way… though that's important to Harriett and me, as well. I honestly think this is the most inclusionary organization I know. After all, we accepted Zach Marks (for god's sakes).

We DID accept Zach, right Chuck? Or is he still on double blind probation?

Thirdly, Christ Church is compassionate about social issues -- not just in word but in deeds. That has been so important to us. Bridges, Homeless Hospitality, Nicaragua, Board of World Fellowship, Alternative Gift Market… when you list it all, it's impressive (and wonderful), really.

Fourth, we're uniquely proud of who we are. Don't you get that feeling here? My mother once told me, "Don't be afraid to hang your underwear out on the clothes line… the neighbors know we wear them… they might as well know we wash them."

At Christ Church, we hang our underwear out to dry.

And finally there's Grace… and I mean that in many different ways… but mostly it's our daughter Grace (Harriett's, Rob's, Lia's and my Grace… with a capital "G"). Again I'll defer to Merriam-Webster:

Grace: unmerited divine assistance given to us for regeneration or sanctification.


Let me read that again…

unmerited divine assistance given to us for regeneration or sanctification.

If that isn't our Grace, I don't know what is.

And, as many of you know, we would not have Grace if it wasn't for this Church… if it wasn't for Chuck and Kate who led by example and gave us the courage to take that leap.

And isn't that what Christ Church really does for us all? …giving us the courage and the spiritual wherewithal to take those leaps…? to be the best people we can be…?

Honestly, we are so thankful to be a part of this congregation.

I thank you all and wish you a peace and grace.

-- Neale Trangucci