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Bearing Witness

By Michael Joseph

June 5, 2011

Acts 1: 6-14

We were pleased to welcome our guest preacher, Michael E Joseph, who has worked for several years as a UCC missionary in Colombia and plans to return. The video he showed during his sermon is on YouTube. You can view & listen to it while reading this sermon by clicking [ here ]

I t
's an honor and blessing for me to be here at Christ Church, in Summit.
Michael E Joseph

My name is Michael Joseph. Like Christ Church, I'm pretty interdenominational, a little bit Baptist and a little bit UCC. I was ordained by and am still a member of, Metro Baptist Church in NYC and an associate member of First Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC.

I've served the past four years as a missionary with Global Ministries (the mission agency of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I've served and plan to return in November for another four-year term to serve in Colombia with the Peace Commission of the Colombian Council of Churches, known in Colombia as CEDECOL.

I want to thank you for your support of the mission work of Global Ministries; support that you have given through your contributions to Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM).

Colombia has been in an internal armed conflict – essentially a civil war - for the past 50 years. Through the church-based Peace Commission we work to equip our churches and pastors in Colombia to be able to minister to their communities in the midst of the war.

Today's scripture reading from Acts (1:6-14) refers to Jesus' Ascension. The Feast of the Ascension is celebrated forty days after Easter, which means it was this past Thursday. I happened to be at a theology conference in Baltimore this past week where we celebrated it, or it might have slipped by me, unnoticed, as I imagine it did for many of you. I think the image of Jesus rising up into the clouds is one that our modern scientifically focused minds prefer to ignore. It seems like an image more suited for Harold Camping and his followers than those of us who weren't too concerned with being left-behind. But I believe there is a depth to what Luke is telling us in this passage that merits pausing for a second look.

The passage starts with the disciples asking Jesus yet again if he is finally going to restore the Kingdom to Israel. They're still struggling to understand what Jesus is really all about and hoping he'll deal with this Roman problem soon. And though he doesn't promise them political or military triumph over Rome any time soon, notice that he doesn't point them to pie-in-sky either. He promises them the power of the Holy Spirit and then says they're to be his witnesses – witnesses – in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. And there we get both Colombia and Summit, NJ… pretty sure they're included in all the ends of the earth. Notice how Jesus answers their desire for salvation by pointing them right back out into their world from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

And then next thing they know, up he goes, according to the text… and you can just imagine them there staring up into the sky, scratching their heads. Up into the sky… it matters not whether you take it literally or figuratively, because the message once again comes in the next lines. Two men in white robes show up and ask why they're looking up and tell them that Jesus will return in the same way he went. I'm pretty sure they were pointing at the road back to Jerusalem. The whole point of this text about the Ascension is that it's not about looking up. It's about looking around. You'll have the power of the Holy Spirit… now quit looking for Jesus up in the sky, look around and get to it.

[Show Video] [found here:]

In Colombia we have lots of churches like the Christ the King Church featured in this video, that are looking around, witnessing a lot of suffering, and getting to it. Through the Peace Commission we publish an annual report called A Prophetic Call where the church in Colombia is documenting both their suffering – through hundreds of cases of human rights violations – as well as their hope… sharing the positive things they're doing to respond to the war.

-Leave a Prophetic Call – Pray it

-Sign-up to receive more info from Global Ministries

-See me afterwards about getting on an email list to maybe write one or two emails a year when someone's life is on the line.

- Lastly… wall hanging… Maria la Baja

By raising Jesus from the dead, God was saying, Death does not get the final word, by sending the Holy Spirit, Jesus was saying that death does not get the final word. Christ the King Church is saying Death does not get the final word. Women in Maria la Baja are saying with this hanging that Death does not get the final word.

Whether you connect with directly with our work in Colombia, connect more closely with Global Ministries… or whether you are called to keep your focus on issues here in Summit, NJ… Remember that Jesus has given us the power of the Holy Spirit… it's up to us to look around and put it to use.

Let us pray: Spirit of love, Spirit of life; Holy Spirit, give us your power as we go forth as your witness in Summit, in Colombia and even unto the ends of the earth. Amen.



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