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UCC - Upcoming Events at Closter and Westfield


Here are two opportunities at Closter and one at Westfield:


1. Though not strictly religion and science, you are invited to a session of prayers and thoughts on Thursday at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM September 11 at the First Congregational Church of Closter. You may drop in anytime during the hour. This session is a chance for folks to reflect on the impact of 9/11 on their lives. at 7:30 PM Closter Borough is holding a memorial to which we can go. In a way this is religion and science -- without the power of science these religious fanatics could not have done what they did! Think about it.

2. On October 8, Wednesday, at 7:30 at the Closter Congregational Church we will begin our series on Christianity and Ecology. See below for details ...


1. On September 18, Thursday at 7:30 at the Westfield Congregational Church we will begin our series on Christianity and Ecology. See below for details ...

You are invited to the first session of a series on God and Ecology. As the human population increases and as human technology and development accelerate, the earth and its resources are taxed ever more and more. The world as never before faces critical issues of air and water pollution, forest fires, depletion of the ozone, rubbish and toxic waste disposal and many others. Often humans have perceived themselves to be apart from the creation and viewed the creation as so many soulless resources. However, there is an alternative view that sees the creation as infused with spirit.

This series of discussions (in September, October, and November) will offer you an opportunity to discuss environmental concerns through the perception of faith. The first session will discuss how God and the creation relate, covering such ideas as God separate from creation, God infused in creation, and what God expects of humans in the care of creation. Since the Enlightenment, the sacredness of creation has been lost. This first session will suggest that science as well as faith can help us see the sacredness of creation and find enchantment in it. The emphasis will be from a Christian perspective, but participants from other faiths are encouraged to bring their perspectives. The series aim is to consider how religion can productively and positively set the technological agenda for the environment.

The session will be facilitated by Rev. John A. Mills, pastor of First Congregational Church, Closter.