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UCC - Religion and Science

Religion and Science

Religion and Science


Here is a group that is run by a New Jersey Association United Church of Christ minister.  For those of you who are interested in the interface of religion and science, this group might be of interest to you.  It meets in Westfield, which is not too far from Summit.  Also the topics will be discussed in our Adult Education sessions this fall so it would give you more information.

Jeannette Brown

UCC Representative




I want to invite you to our Fall religion and science series on A Consistent Ethic of Human Life. We will have three sessions from Sept to Nov, each in Haworth and

Westfield. Specifically we will reflect on the ethics of embryonic stem cell therapy, reproductive cloning, and prolongation of life.  All sessions are at 7:30 PM.

Embryonic stem cell research: September 13th, Tuesday in Westfield
and September 21, Weds in Haworth
Reproductive Cloning:              October 11th, Tuesday in Westfield
and October 19, Weds in Haworth
Prolongation of Life:                 November 8th, Tuesday in
Westfield and November 16th in Haworth.

Embryonic stem cell research is quite controversial. Even the President of the USA has taken a stand to ban new stem cell lines, because these would result in the death of the embryos. Yet surplus embryos are regularly "destroyed" in in-vitro clinics. Why has God
given us this knowledge with such potential to heal? Is there a way to steward God's gift so that its healing powers can be revealed?  I will also include notes on adult stem cells to contrast with embryonic stems cells. Also, note that Senator Frisk has now come out
in support of embryonic stem cell research.

Reproductive cloning has been outright banned. But is that the appropriate course? Is reproductive cloning always unethical? If indeed clones are possible, why has God made them possible? Some believe that reproductive cloning is already occurring (illegally).
What must our response be to the humanity (or lack of) of a clone?

On the other end of life's vector, is the issue of prolongation of life. Medical science has extended our life span and continues to do so. How far should we go? Should we pursue immortality? And what about the quality of life? When has a soul left a body  that is just
mechanically kept alive? Do we trap a soul by keeping the body alive beyond God's intent? Is Death a curse we must battle or a gift from God? I will share in this session the philosophy/theology practiced in the Hospice movement.

Please mark your calendars. These are timely and important issues that people of faith should ponder. Folks of all faiths or no faith are invited to the discussion. We understand God's intent best when we are blessed with a diversity of views.

God's shalom/salaam ...

John M.